
Last 3-Year Totals

As an appetizer to what I hope to be an awesome preview early next week, I wanted to publish some random stats that I compiled while working on my preview stories for each team in the City League and Ark Valley-Chisholm Trail League.

I decided to take a look at the last three years at each program and tally up the wins and state appearances. Why the last three years? Because that is how long the seniors of this season have been with the program, so that is the only relevant winning totals to draw from. I realize most players do not contribute to the varsity team as freshmen, but I wanted to paint a picture of the recent success at each program.

Interesting things I took away were the following:

* McPherson has arguably been the most successful program in recent seasons. The Bullpups have the most wins (61, or about 20 per season) and the best winning percentage (86%) of any team in the AV-CTL or City League the last three years.
* Only 6 programs have won at a 70 percent clip or better in the last three years: McPherson, Heights, Andover Central, Collegiate, Andale, and Eisenhower.
* No program has made it to the state tournament in all of the last three years.
* Only 7 programs have made it to the state tournament twice in the last three years: McPherson, Heights, Collegiate, Andale, Kapaun Mt. Carmel, North, and Bishop Carroll.
* 16 of the 35 programs have been to the state tournament at least once in the last three years.
* Even with "down" seasons for their programs, Heights and Collegiate remain two of the most successful programs in the area.

I thought this might be an interesting thing to look at for players and coaches entering this season. While I find this to be intriguing, remember that it has absolutely no impact on this upcoming season. Losing teams can quickly become winning ones, just as easily as winning teams that don't work hard can fall off. So just enjoy it for what it is. View the complete spreadsheet at the link below:


If you are unfamiliar with how to use Google Docs (the link you're clicking on), you can toggle between the tabs at the top of the spreadsheet to change which category you want it to be sorted by. You can sort by: Record, Average Wins, Win Percentage, and State Berths.

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