
Preview: Andale Indians

Andale experienced what I will refer to as a jump last season. Under Jeff Buchanan, the Indians were always a respectable team whose defense was never a welcomed sight by its opponent. But last season Andale became a feared team. They became an elite team. They proved that they belonged. Acquiring this is invaluable and you can guarantee has changed the program.

Also, I don't believe it is a coincidence that Andale's surge has come while a pair of brothers just so happened to pass through the school. It's no secret the Knoblauch's - Hunter, the junior, and Bo, the sophomore - have played a large role in all the success, and expect their roles to only expand this season. That's why I think Andale, which loses a very talented senior class, will sustain its high level of play. It may not have as many elite pieces as last season, but it will now get more out of its best player, Hunter, and look for Bo to emerge as the team's second-best offensive weapon, next to his brother.

But, of course, this is a team game and the three others on the court are going to have to play at a high level for Andale to repeat its success from last season. Don't worry, Andale is much more than just the Knoblauch's and teams that attempt to double Hunter or play a triangle-and-two, or some other junk defense, will find out. Jason Hermreck is a scrappy junior whose game is perfectly fitted to play alongside two offensive standouts because he's going to hustle, cut, dive, and manufacture points from just being in the right place at the right time. Another junior, Lane Macari, possesses the potential to have a breakout season, as well, if he is able to harness his athletic ability and use it as a force on the court. There are a lot of younger players that can contribute, especially shooting the ball, but right now it's a matter of transitioning them to the varsity level.

There's no doubt that there will be a transition phase on this team because there is only one senior that has meaningful playing time. Don't underestimate that, but also don't miscalculate the significance of having Hunter Knoblauch as your point guard. He is almost unselfish to a fault and will have to master the art of knowing when to take games over offensively and when to distribute. He's too good to keep quiet for an entire game, and he will automatically make every one of teammates on the floor better. Frankly, he gives Andale a chance against any team.

I think it goes without saying Andale will be fine scoring the ball, so that leaves it to the defense. You can always rely on a Buchanan-coached team to be an above-average defensive team. But this will be a work-in-progress. This is a more offensive-minded team, which is great, but a constant effort on defense is what will turn this team from a good one to a great one. If everyone can buy into that, then Andale has the potential to play with anybody in Class 4A.

How good this team can be remains to be seen. Andale doesn't have the experience coming back that it did last season, which finished with a 3rd place finish in 4A and a school-record 22 wins. But what the Indians do have is the Knoblauch's and more than capable cast of players that can step in and do the rest. You might see Andale drop a head-scratcher early, as it did last season at home against Winfield, but I feel confident saying that this will be a Top-10 team in 4A this season.

If you haven't seen Knoblauch play, do yourself a favor and go to an Andale (Andale-McPherson, if you're smart) game and watch. He can do it all. He's a top-notch defender, leader, ball handler, shooter, and decision-maker. There's not much Knoblauch can't do on a basketball court and he will give his team a chance to win every time he steps on the floor.
A workhorse willing to battle for loose balls and do all the little things great teams need done. He'll score a lot of points and grab a lot of rebounds just because his opportunities for both will increase this season. A high-IQ player with a good motor and the willingness to defend a tall guard or a post.
A pure scorer who will continue to develop into a knock-down shooter from 3-point range. He's the most offensive-minded player on the team and can fill it up when unleashed, which he should get an opportunity to do this season. He'll get more shots up, but has to maintain his efficiency and not become purely a jump shooter.
Has the potential to be a difference-maker this season with his athleticism in a long frame. Regardless, he'll be counted upon for rebounds and a presence around the rim. But if he can put it together on offense, then Andale could be a scary-good team.
#?? | JEFF AST | POST | 6'5" | SOPHOMORE
A youngster that Buchanan really likes so far in practices. His height will automatically make him a presence in the low blocks, but he'll be brought along slowly at the varsity level. Ast will provide a big body off the bench to replace Hermreck or Macari if they need a breather or are in foul trouble.

"I think the most important thing for us will be to continue to develop as a team. We lose four seniors and we don't really have that many varsity returners. So developing as a team will be crucial. We've got to keep picking each other up and build that chemistry. We have to recognize where one guy may be weak and having the whole team pick him up. If we can do that, then I think this has the chance to be a special season again."

I don't see a team outside of McPherson that can match up with Andale at the top of its lineup. While the Indians may not be as a deep this season, the top of the roster should be more than capable of carrying them early in the season as the newcomers develop. I'm really liking this team with Hunter Knoblauch in an expanded role and I don't see many scenarios where the Indians don't come away with back-to-back 20-win seasons. They are my favorite to win league and get back to the state tournament. Can this team win a state championship? I'm not sure if you can say it's the best team in 4A right now, but I feel very confident saying this will be one of the best 8 teams in the class.

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